Frequently Asked Questions

Perfecting Smiles Since 1988

Info on Braces, Retainers, & More

Whether your child needs braces, retainers, or an initial consultation—William M. Shows DMD has all the information you need. Our Sheboygan, WI, office treats patients of all ages and can help find the best treatment plan to fix your smile for years to come. Here, we’ve answered some common questions and concerns our patients have.


Am I a candidate for fast braces?

Fast braces are a great alternative to traditional braces. For certain patients, these are a great way to straighten your teeth faster than with traditional braces—typically in less than twelve months. However, every smile and case is different. During your consultation, Dr. Shows will determine if fast braces are the best and safest route to getting your teeth straightened!

What’s a permanent retainer?

For patients who’ve had braces, retainers are worn (typically at nighttime) to keep teeth straight after their braces are removed. Permanent retainers are just what they sound like. We’ll affix a small metal wire to the back of your teeth to keep them straight without the hassle of a removable retainer.

Do you only treat adult patients?

No! We treat patients of all ages. While Dr. Shows has years of experience in pediatric dentistry, he specializes in orthodontics for kids and adults alike. Most of our patients are teens, but we treat countless adults seeking a straighter smile.

How do I keep my teeth healthy while wearing braces?

We recommend you brush your teeth after every meal to get rid of any lingering food. It’s also very important to brush and floss before bed every night. We’ll work with you and go over the best ways to clean your teeth during your appointment!

Can I still play a musical instrument with braces?

Absolutely! It may take a bit of time to get used to it, but braces won’t stop you from playing an instrument.

What do I need for my first visit?

Check out our Patient Center for this information and more!

I’m concerned about the cost of orthodontics. What are your payment options?

We understand that visits to the doctor can be expensive. We work hard to make sure all of our patients can afford treatment. That’s why we offer a multitude of payment options. Give us a call to discuss setting up a payment plan that works best for you.

Still have questions? Contact us at 920-457-2267 today!

William M. Shows DMD

3612 Erie Ave
Sheboygan, WI 53081


Monday - Wednesday:

7:00 AM - 4:00 PM


7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Friday - Sunday: Closed